Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Molecule Madness

Today the Primary 4 to 7 pupils took part in a workshop from the Science Fair. The workshop was on molecules so we built some molecule formations of our own. We did this by joining elements together like oxygen and carbon. We worked in groups of 3. My group made spearmint and aspirin. Here are some photos of us all having fun in the workshop.

We worked well in our teams.

Showing off one of the finished products.

From Cody.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Funky first blog for the fours and fives!


Primary 4/5 are feeling excited about being back at school. 
We are all glad to see our friends again and are looking forward to lots of new learning after a 2 month brain break. 

Here is our cool class, can you spot your child or children?

We wanted a funny photo too, so here we are being a little less sensible...

From Primary 4/5.